date: 2016-06-06
subject: Summer Camp Mental Institute
tags: music-festival-dreams, summer-camp-dreams

Summer Camp Mental Institute - 2016-06-06 - Entry 1425 - TOGoS's Journal


After the festival, Summer Camp became a psychiatric ward of sorts. I was staying there with girlfriend for some reason. It was annoying because they divided the place up into 4 sections, 2 for boys and 2 for girls, divided by chain-link fences. So to spend time with girlfriend I had to hang out by the fence. But sometimes I'd go over and sleep with her in her dormitory and they were all okay with that. I checked myself out on Monday to go to work, walking across some carnival machines on my way out. The theme of this part was finding my way between areas that were almost but not entirely fenced off from one another.

At some point in there (maybe at the camp, or maybe this was a different dream that I forgot everything else about, except that maybe Andrew Armstrong was there) there was this picture I had taken and was now looking at. There was a 1-story building with some relatively complex outer shape, and the picture was of the kitchen as seen from outside. But then I realized I was zoomed way in, and the picture was actually not specifically of the kitchen, but included that whole part of the building (a long outdoor corridor that led to the kitchen, the ground along which was either a canal or just very puddly) and also some of the trees nearby. Oh! It's one of those 360° pictures. Oh wait! It's several pictures stiched together to form an interactive walkthrough thing, sort of like Street View.