date: 2016-09-27
subject: Bear
tags: string-of-settlements-dreams, bear-dreams

Bear - 2016-09-27 - Entry 1435 - TOGoS's Journal

I think I was going scuba-diving. Down into some deep cave, no less. The deep cave was reminiscent of that from some other dream from probably years ago. Getting down to the bottom was a challenge in the video game sense, but not threatening. I don't think it was necessarily full of water, either, but part of the dream did seem to involve scuba diving in a lake.

Anyway, how this adventure went was that I had a guide. We started at some lodge, then walked down a road along the lake shore for a while, possibly though another building, and then eventually to a smaller shack. This shack was where they kept the equiment for scuba diving, so we geared up here, and it also had some screens showing a video feed from a camera down at the bottom of the cave. There was a grainy image of a pig down there. Maybe I was going down to rescue the pig? This part was probably inspired by Ben/Sky/Rylee's baby monitor. It was like the same quality picture and the pig was squirming around in the same way.

After leaving the other side of the shed there was more walking. And some swimming in a lake. But then there was a bear. A big, black bear. I tried to stand behind trees so she wouldn't see me. But she was coming my way. So I was calmly retracing my steps. Back through the shed, back down the road, through a parking ramp.

* * *

My Geo had been parked out somewhere, and I came back to it and got in. "Where's the cover for the box between the front seats?" (in the dream the Geo had one like the one all the modern cars seem to have, e.g. Becky's Sportage, Sara's Prius). I decided Atticus must have borrowed it. He was borrowing parts from my car for his.

His car was this weird truck thing with 2 floors. The bottom floor was a bathroom. There were ladders from the bottom up to the top. The driver's seat was in a relatively normal position at some height between that of the other 2 floors. We came across it while walking down Midvale (dreamy dark forest version, where the truck was parked on a narrow segment of sideroad that went behind a tree). I stopped in because I wanted to use the bathroom.

Lately I've been working on Maze1 demo a lot.