date: 2016-10-05 (Wednesday)
subject: Tokay hill house

Tokay hill house - 2016-10-05 (Wednesday) - Entry 1438 - TOGoS's Journal

There was a big party or something by the shore of lake Wingra,
except in the dream it was a big hill down to the shore and a much bigger lake,
like you couldn't even see across.
I didn't think of it as being Lake Wingra, but that seemed to be the location.
Madison was very hilly.  There were gondolas or cable cars or something up and down the hills.
Notably a boulevard running parallel to the lake shore.
Stop at Fizz's parents' on the way, which was on Tokay,
which really is hilly, though in the dream, hillier.
It ran perpendicular to that boulevard, which sort of makes sense if you think
of the boulevard as being Nakoma or Monroe.

The house had snacks.