date: 2017-01-30 (Monday)
tags: music-festival-dreams, summer-camp-dreams, hillary-clinton-dreams

2017-01-30 (Monday) - Entry 1454 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreamt that I was at Summer Camp with Sara and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Obama was on his third term, and I was telling Hillary about a dream I'd had where she ran for president but Donald Trump won and the USA turned into a big dumpster fire. She laughed at the idea.

The tents were set up in a much more orderly way than they are at real Summer Camp. And it was time to move them over. But my tent was already in a valid post-move spot, so I could be lazy and not actually move anything.

Something about driving around in the Geo, filling the gas tank and going to the Mexican convenience store on Whitney Way, which apparently is actually Scott Motors now (a used car dealership).