date: 2017-07-28
subject: Excited to head home
tags: emotional-floatiness

Excited to head home - 2017-07-28 - Entry 1478 - TOGoS's Journal

Q: Why do I feel floaty/uprooted/unsure of what I'm here for

A: You switched to part time specifically so that you could be more floaty.
Probably because work was lacking meaning, anyway.

The stuff that I wanted to accomplish at EIT, I did.
I was searching for love, and I've finally found it.
I think that accounts for a bit of the feeling of loss of meaning.
I don't have any goals that I'm working towards, any more.
If I want to feel more grounded I suppose I should find a thing that I care about that I can put my effort into.
Hobbies are fine but they come and go, hence 'post-project depression'.
Maybe I should find a way to get more involved with SA or something.
And/or re-focus on Game Thing.
But I think coming to work on Factorio was intended as a temporary break from that
where I could get some new ideas.

Well anyway, getting ready to leave the office here and get out of Prague in the morning.