date: 2017-09-04T23:57:22-05:00
subject: Bunch of dreams

Bunch of dreams - 2017-09-04T23:57:22-05:00 - Entry 1482 - TOGoS's Journal

There were some from a few nights ago that I kept meaning to write down,
but now I've completely forgotten what they were about.  :(

So here's some new ones from this morning:

I was camping in a place that was a big square with some some canals and stuff.
The wet parts were swampy.
The layout kind of reminds me of some other dream from years ago.
Places are always square for some reason.
So anyhow I was like camping with some friends,
but at the moment I was not with them.
Somebody gave me some fun substance and I ingested it.
A little while later I was feeling real good and doing spins that seemed cool
as I entered the bathroom because I had to poop
(someone behind me who knew what was up smiled as if to say 'you look like you're having fun').
But then I accidentally pooped in the tank instead of in the toilet bowl,
and I was like "oh no I'm going to spend this trip cleaning the toilet :(".
I had to find something to scoop the poop with.

So then in another dream I was in an office building and Sara was there with me
and while she was in the bathroom pooping
I noticed that there was a dense ant infestation in one corner of the room.
There were ants on top of ants.  It was terrible.
Oh and for a second they got on me and I was all flicking them off,
and they didn't seem to be coming off, but I knew I was making progress,
and then at some point they were off.
And then I realized that there was another in the opposite corner.
I jumped up so that they wouldn't get on my feet,
but there was nowhere to put my feet down, so they just stayed up.
And after a second or two of that I realized that I was floating
and that's not how things usually work so I must be dreaming.
Sara came back into the room and I told her to watch out for all the ants
but also we're dreaming so let's fly or something.

But first we had to go to some party.
Or maybe this was before the part with the ants.
But anyway, some celebrities were there.
I was sitting next to Chelsea Manning.
And there was some chris guy who were waiting to come out of the bathroom
and meanwhile were talking about how he was wrong about a lot of stuff.

Some alternate universe or future where spaceflight was a bit more common.
A couple of people taking off in a little pod;
there was supposed to be a big quadcopter that would catch them up in the air
and take them higher.
I wasn't sure how that was going to work.
And it didn't work - the drone never picked them up.
So the pod became more like a plane and went back down,
and into a tunnel,
and this was the beginning of some cyberpunk movie.
The Black Panthers were still around, driving big white cars
and riding white horses.
Or maybe that was a tiger.
I found Sara again as we went through a tunnel
and was telling her again that we're dreaming and we can fly.