date: 2017-10-01
subject: Recursive backpacks

Recursive backpacks - 2017-10-01 - Entry 1491 - TOGoS's Journal

Fell asleep right away after D&D and too much Oatmeal Stout. Dreamt about having to dog sit or something, and I was in some Minecraft world where the only transportation infrastructure had been built by me and my friends, but it was a top-down view. I remember the top-downness specifically in one room where I bumped into a wall to turn the lights on and off. But mostly I was looking at the inventory screen because I had discovered that I could pack a backpack and then please it inside another backpack. The GUI handled this very well, nesting the content of one backpack inside the panel of the outer one, under its inventory slots (similar to how I planned to do it for Game Thing, except stacked vertically). I was going to have no problem packing for dog sitting. I threw all of my stuff in a few inner backpacks and had plenty of space (and several empty backpacks) to spare. Backpacks were sort of tall and boxy and tan/brown.

I think this dream was inspired by thinking about the relative storage capacity of automobiles and train cars in Factorio before falling asleep.

Then I woke back up and Sara and I spent several hours not sleeping for no apparent reason. To much coffee and booze late in the day I guess. We were comfy enough in our sleeping bags and the air mattress was the perfect amount of deflatedness.

Eventually I got back to sleep again. I dreamt about being on a road trip with a car full of people. We got to place with a tall dark wall and gates and​ British flags, which we crossed through a few times over the course of the dream. On what I think was the inside there was a big hill you could drive up and like gardens or something to look at. On the outside was a place we camped. There was a soccer field and we were with a bigger group there. The group included some girl I used to crush on and that made me uncomfortable.

When Sara was driving us the next day (but it was pretty dark out, or maybe the wall was just made of black bricks so it was hard to see) she seemed to be unaware of the wall as we approached it so someone told her to slow down and we did. Later we had to find spots to sleep. That was on like a ferry or something.

I want to get home and do some work or something. Maybe make a spot for that tekwall thing under the charge controller. Also I want to find out how combines work.