date: 2017-11-21
subject: Look at these hands

Look at these hands - 2017-11-21 - Entry 1500 - TOGoS's Journal

Slept out on the living room couch with the cats. Purple light from the kitchen shining in my eyes.

Dreamt some other things, but most memorably one where I was in the hallway at church, and I knew I was dreaming, so I was like, I wonder if outside the doors things will be off, like the yard won't be like it should be. And I went out the doors, and I was like, yeah, maybe this isn't how it really is, but then when I'm dreaming I forget how it is. I'll try the look at my hands trick!

And so I looked at my hands, and I was completely unable to imagine them looking proper. Like I only had 3 fingers, and they were all shifting around and stuff, and I was like "yep, definitely dreaming!". Compare with later today when I looked at my hands, and I had 4 fingers and a thumb. Since I was wearing my leather gloves my fingers all looked the same length. Without gloves, the pinky is only like 2/3 the length of the others.