date: 2018-03-25
subject: Picnic with the waltons, automated greenhouse, shiny red balls in tubes

Picnic with the waltons, automated greenhouse, shiny red balls in tubes - 2018-03-25 - Entry 1523 - TOGoS's Journal

2018-03-24 dreams

From my notes:

Hiding in closets

I don't remember what that was about.

trip with waltons, think about adventure game, greenhouse bldg with trains and automation

Okay so yeah. I had gone on a short trip with the Waltons, like to go have a picnic. We came back and there was this greenhouse that maybe Mary worked in? And maybe she was explaining to me about how the automation worked. Part of it was a small electric train. But also a bunch of wires and tubes and switch boxes, probably. And I was thinking about an adventure game that I wanted to make.

2018-03-25 dreams

Some movie. There was "a large airplane with seating areas across a hallway from bathroom; bathroom has an automatic spinny butt wiper." Outside the airplane though, there were these two people with a telepathic connection. One of them was off on some sci-fi adventure exploring some mountains on another planet with lots of shiny tech. For example there were red balls going through tubes, which looked as cool as it sounds. The other person was back on Earth fighting for a socialist revolution.