date: 2018-06-08
subject: Careful with that cough syrup
tags: house-dreams

Careful with that cough syrup - 2018-06-08 - Entry 1539 - TOGoS's Journal

Team something-or-other going on a mission. Pam brought a paring knife, just in case. We were riding around on these flying things (think flying vacuum cleaners) in a large black room. Someone was flying towards something and realized too late that it was the door, which was not actually a solid surface, but some boundary that you didn't want to cross. "3, 2, 1, I'm dead, I guess", they thought to themselves as they crossed the boundary and smashed into a lot of pieces.

Eating at the Whitewater dining hall, because I lived there now. But actually everything here was tents, not buildings. It was kind of dreary outside.

"It's amazing how you can get used to living anywhere" I thought to myself, trying to recall my first day eating here and how it had been less than a week since then and eating here was already perfectly routine.

I went back to the house where I lived with some friends. It seemed unfamiliar. So much for my "amazing how you can get used to living anywhere" line of thinking. Or maybe I just didn't come back to the house very much? Where had I been sleeping? Maybe it was just because we've lived in so many different houses over the years (according to my dreams). But usually they were bigger. This one was a single story and didn't even have a roof. It was kind of like what would happen if we lived at Summer Camp too long and people started using pallets and scraps of plywood as walls.

A FoaF was talking to me from another room. "Yeah I was in Platteville for long time" I said to him.

One of my housemates was experimenting with consuming large quantities of cough syrup, and the cough syrup spirit was narrating to me about what would happen. "If you drink a lot of cough syrup, you'll fall asleep, have terrifying dreams, and then die," it told me, as it appeared as a blobby thing doing its best to look strange and terrifying. But I wasn't in the state of mind to be terrified, since I hadn't actually drank too much cough syrup.

I woke up and it had mostly stopped raining so I guess time to get up and feed the cats.