date: 2018-08-06
subject: Maybe the most boring dream ever

Maybe the most boring dream ever - 2018-08-06 - Entry 1563 - TOGoS's Journal

I was in Swedin with Sara. We were staying in Linkoping for a couple of days. Unlike the real trip, we were driven there by Sara's friends. Mostly we drove on small roads through woods and past lakes. Linkoping itself was right next to a lake. A few days later when we left, we were taking the same route that we had taken into town, but in reverse. I was surprised that we were driving east along the north side of the lake because I thought we had come into town from the south side, since the lake was to the southeast of the town, and I thought I remembered the lake being on our right as we arrived. But I guess I hadn't really been paying that close attention and that was a different lake to our right before this one next to town appeared on the left.