date: 2018-09-26
subject: Excision's playing at GHC and I want ice cream

Excision's playing at GHC and I want ice cream - 2018-09-26 - Entry 1579 - TOGoS's Journal

Excision concert in GHC parking lot right outside my window.
At some point it turns into a hockey game?  But it's still the concert.

High up on some tower at night, waving the SA flag.
Need to be careful not to lose grip on railing while
unwinding flag from railing!

That tower railing turns into a culver's.
There with Fizz and Joh and Renee and Devin and Moriah.
Someone else got ice cream (mint chocolate chip) and I really want some.
But I want to get my own.
Eventually I go up to the counter and say I want to buy some ice cream
but they say "oh they're closed" (referring to the ice cream servers, I guess).
The ice cream machine looks like it's still running and ready to dispense, though.