date: 2018-11-01
tags: tunnel-dreams
subject: Tunnel under the beltline

Tunnel under the beltline - 2018-11-01 - Entry 1593 - TOGoS's Journal

Sleeping at Rhoda's house, I had these dreams:

There was this multi-story floor-tile-based maze. The building was kind of like a mall, with a big open area in the middle. Somehow there were impassible floor tiles. Some computer was controlling the floor tiles and trying to prevent us from leaving.

In another dream I was working at a Widen-like company across a highway from a strip mall where we liked to go for lunch. I was tired of having to walk over to the nearest overpass and so dug a tunnel under the highway. I was proud of my tunnel.

And in another that I remember less well, I was scuba diving, going along the bottom where it was all grassy.