date: 2018-11-13
subject: Minecraft/Factorio tracks
tags: tunnel-dreams

Minecraft/Factorio tracks - 2018-11-13 - Entry 1597 - TOGoS's Journal

Long ago I decided that requiring entries in this journal to all be named with (mostly) consecutive numbers was silly, which is why there are entries like WalletBreath and Dorm dreams (though I mean to add support to the website for navigating using tags, making list-of-entries nodes redundant). I've noticed that having to ensure that the repository is up-to-date and that I have the full list of entries and that I haven't forgotten anything since the last one that I might want to write down (because I want to keep the numbers increasing monotonically with regard to the dates) actually keeps me from writing down sometimes, so maybe it's time to switch to using dates for entry IDs, since that's what the numbered entries usually represent, anyway. I'd want to keep the numbers for existing entries, though, so the downside is that having both number-named and date-named entries would look kinda messy.

If I do decide to do that switch, I should do it before I get to entry #1984.

Anyway, some dreams:

I was near the bottom of this Minecraft/Factorio world in the middle of this giant industrialized city. I was building a pair of tracks for trains (which were 2 tiles wide) on a pair of supports made out of concrete (which were generally 1x2x3 tile blocks that I had crafted out of smaller blocks) which were themselves within a trench, such that the tracks were level with the 'ground' (which was only maybe 5 or 6 meters above the bottom of the world). The bottom of the trench was open to the abyss in places, so I had to watch my step as I worked.

I hadn't finished the tracks or supports (I had just started to lay out something that might give the idea of what I was trying to build, as I often do in both Minecraft and Factorio) when I got distracted (as I often do) by the idea of digging a tunnel between the tracks and into a room off to the side. This would all be below the level of the ground surrounding the trench and the tracks, so would have pretty severe height constraints (limited to 2 or 3 tiles), but I could deal.

The room that I was excavating turned into my parents' house, and my family had been having a 'civil war'. Probably related to my misadventure of trying to date Renee while already being married to Sara.