date: 2000-08-04
content-type: text/html
description: Jungle, nice guy, birdies, Aeris dream
lj-entry-id: 134,47

Jungle, nice guy, birdies, Aeris dream - 2000-08-04 - Entry 16 - TOGoS's Journal

Last night I had a dream in which we were watching some star-trekkish movie, and I was some special person, and I was hanging out in a jungle (in the backyard) with a bunch of budists. Then I went and followed a big flock of black doves and ended up at this nasty company who did something bad and one of their employees was a nice guy, then we all went and chased their truck and tried to hit the driver with a belt, while the nice guy told us to cut it out. Then I went with the nice guy and he told me what he was planning to do. Then we went and played FF7, and went back towards home and went under the Verona road bridge instead of going under the tunnel with Aeris, and we all lived happily ever after.