date: 2018-11-21
subject: City infrastructure
tags: tower-dreams, subway-dreams, power-line-dreams, oversized-power-tower-dreams
thumbnail-image-url: journal-image:1600-powerlines.jpg

City infrastructure - 2018-11-21 - Entry 1600 - TOGoS's Journal

There was this way of shipping small packages (maybe large ones, too) involving tall towers that items would get catapulted between, or sent between on zip lines. The towers had these ropes going up and down, and you could ride up to the top and help catch stuff, or throw your own package from there. It was very high up, and you could see pretty far. I feel like another part of the dream gave details about the neighborhood that I was looking over. Maybe it was a nice, hilly suburban neighborhood with lots of trees and nice houses.

Sara and I were visiting London. I thought a little bit about how I missed Prague, since people there spoke my language. We were learning to ride the tube to get around town. At one point, after having learned the general layout of the place and what subway stations were nearby, we were going for a walk along paths along the main river, which was shaped like the river in Prague. It was gloomy and hazy, and I was paying close attention to all the powerlines (and maybe some zip lines used to transport items, and maybe some were related to transit) that we passed near. There were some normal-looking powerlines between normal-looking transmission towers, but above those there were these excessively long stretches of thick cable. They were so long that we could only see the nearest tower, the next one being obscured by haze and maybe miles away. Those lines sagged a lot, maybe a hundred feet, between towers. Even so, the lowest part was still far above the closer power lines.

A vague approximation of the scene with the large transmission towers from my dream. The 'camera' is pointing northeast, but in the dream I was looking all around. The long, high lines passed over us from left to right and disappearing into the haze above the city on the south side of the river. Combined with the power lines between the smaller towers, the sky was a mess of wires. I have the sense that there was a metro station up inside one of the buildings to the east of the bend.

This isn't the first time I've dreamt about oversized electric transmission towers. See entries 723 (which I no longer remember at all) and the more recent 1409 (which I remember doing the illustrating for; maybe I should draw illustrations for more of my dreams). Other interesting parallels with 1409 are the haze (part of it may just be that the presense of haze adds to the sense of scale of large structures in the distance) and that I was in an ambiguous relationship with Renee at the time. We had gone for a nice walk in the golf course that night.

Rando website says (among other things) about power lines in dreams:

The dream is a dramatisation of the enormous battle going on inside us and outside of the two opposing attitudes. The view that we are the masters of the Earth and can do what we like with it – and the view that we are part of a huge and wonderful web of Life and we are workers within the web. Our task is to enhance it and therefore our own lives.

Different rando website says some cliche stuff that seems to apply to basically everything:

To dream of seeing or being entangled in power lines portrays your strive to gain power. There is a hindrance either in your relationship or profession.

Renee told me she had a dream that someone was telling her that Mitch McConnell was a decent person and politician, but she didn't believe them.