date: 2019-01-12
subject: Whitney/Odana forests and towers
tags: lattice-tower-dreams

Whitney/Odana forests and towers - 2019-01-12 - Entry 1623 - TOGoS's Journal

In the first and less interesting dream, I was driving with Connor and Trillian. We ended up at someone's house where we were to crash for the night. Sara and Renee were also there. They are like 2 cats that don't like each other, I thought. This is going to be tricky.

Now for the more memorable one:

Along the east side of Whitney Way, just past Mineral Point Road, there was a park with a couple of soccer fields and some woods. I appreciated that there was as much park there as there was, since in real life there's just wide grassy area between the road and the sidewalk with a few trees, but not really enough to feel like you're away from the road (though there is some woods on the other side of the road, which I think is part of Garner Park). But as the dream went on I was exploring the woods with Fizz, and the park got bigger and bigger. Eventually there were mountains and a canyon and lakes and pine forests, and I started to get mixed up if this was a place along Whitney Way or if it was something I had created with one of my procedural terrain generators. And as we were digging into the side of a mountain it became a game like Factorio, and I was trying to route a pipe into this cave.

We left the cave/tunnel and back to the west (towards Whitney Way) there was this big white round tower that reminded me of the Sky Whirl (because the entire building resembled one of the baskets) that was thought of as a "unique building". This probably led to us talking about other unique buildings, including one that I had designed. So then I was trying to find my unique buildings book to show to Sara.

Farther up Whitney Way, maybe between Tokay and Odana, there were several TV and radio towers (which is maybe the closest to reality my dreams have been for a while; there are 3 towers on that block). I don't remember what I was thinking about them, other than 'sure are a lot of towers around here'. That may have been because there were more towers to the north along Whitney Way, too, which do not actually exist.