date: 2019-02-04
subject: Water, fire, shotgun

Water, fire, shotgun - 2019-02-04 - Entry 1632 - TOGoS's Journal

walking towards lake
where's the water?
can walk across part of lake bottom
misty forest ravine
oh this is where the water comes from!
and I fill it up for fun
big group is there with me but apparently there's no danger
up at top, can see lake on 2 or 3 sides
I can make fireballs
maybe if I shoot one way far away it'll start some water flowing or something,
so I shoot into the sky
Oh no there are Nazis around
better practice fireballing
and burn this propaganda that's disguised as street signs
also there's shotguns
so practice having those
but as soon as you point a gun at someone they'll shoot back
so probably I should stick to fireballs; I think they're more powerful anyway
at Factorio office
'igloo guy' will be coming
he's a cartoon character?
I hope he's not an asshole
push-up bar is also a jungle gym;
I climb on it as someone pushes the whole thing up
wake up to alarm

The snow all melted again already