date: 2000-08-26
content-type: text/html
description: Flying and Russ feingold dream, perl, bike ride, 2 jobs dream
lj-entry-id: 137,96

Flying and Russ feingold dream, perl, bike ride, 2 jobs dream - 2000-08-26 - Entry 19 - TOGoS's Journal

A while ago this week I had a dream in which Russ Feingold lived in this weird underground complex with brown (concrete, I think) walls and floors and stuff. He lived in a place near a balcony overlooking a big room with a skylight with train tracks on the bottom floor (I rode that train a few times). It was a neat train tunnel. It went E/W across the western U.S., up to washington, I think. Russ Feingold was short in this dream, and he had straight brown hair, and he was gonna marry Katie Kniffen, and I thought that was just fine. Also in this dream, I could sprout big feathery wings at will, and fly around with the birdies (they were doves; luckily, we never got shot at, though I did worry about it).

I've been trying to learn Perl. It's really confusing. I wrote a nice XML doc with all CHUMPS and my passwords and krap in it, and I wanted to write a program (in perl) that would print it out for me nicely. I downloaded a module that parses XML for perl, but I have no idea how to use it, and I have only another day before school starts (Oh god...). I just got my schedule changed from 18 to 10 at work, and I got a couple of sheets which I don't know what they are for (I'll have to ask personnel about them - something about choosing a vacation week or something). Maybe They're gonna make be be a bagger-checker. I don't know if I really want to be. I'm doing fine with karts. Of course, maybee I can move up to stocking shelves or something neat like that later on. Yesterday I went for pretty much the only bike ride of this summer. I went up towards Mt. Horeb. Stopped where it started to go uphill. Was boring coming back. Glad I didn't try to go to dodgeville or something stupid like that. Trail now goes all the way thru what used to be alot of brambly brush, coming back towards PD. New bike trail going South starting to take shape. Used it to go under verona rd. Could actually ride bike on it fairly easily. Don't know if they're gonna pave it or not. Was all sand. Maybe that's it. Have to go down and check it out later. Hopefully, they'll be done by end of year. I think we should vote for Ralph Nader. That Dr. Hagelin guy looks good, too. Have to check out their websites, and Whatever. Still no ISP. Dad said found one, but must be at least 18. Hmmm... Nobody's signed my guestbook since did. Had to write letter to Nana about 4-7 days ago, wasn't much to say.

Right now about 5:37a. Since the bikeride, everything kinda weird. Maybee was crack in the crackers. Were really good crackers I ate some of on way home (saltines). Didn't eat until in verona. Good crackers. Wow. They were real good. Took nap at 10a-5:30 Fri. Friday just kind of disappeared. All time has been doing that for the past couple weeks. Took little 1:30 nap at about 2a today after trying to read some of "the last 3 minutes". Have to goto work 9a-2. Had dream during nap. Had another job. Also, woodmans kart people (inc. me) doing work at ORE playground... Kept seeing Holly, always with some dumb friend(s) who I didn't know. One time, saw her, thought (Only a dream... If doesn't work, I can start over and try again...) went over and kissed her. Wasn't too great, felt like I was kissing my pillow (probably was). There was also a dog, sky full of stars even though light pollution (or cosmic background radiation...).Dog barked. Rode bicycle SE on beltline between Gammon and Whitney. Thought (Why not... only a dream), while looking at stars and milky grey background noise. Pulled over, decided (This is too weird... I ought to wake up...), and woke up, just like that. Was weird. Before in dreams where I'm concious of it being dream, wanted to wake up, couldn't. Maybe I wasn't really asleep, like in study hall, I'd go into dream-like states of thought, meanwhile, hearing study hall noises. Hear slightly loud noise, wake up right quick. This time, woke up all yucky and sweaty. Ick. Went and had (warm) orange soda. Hmmm.