date: 2019-04-02
tags: running-dreams, rain-dreams, backyard-dreams, cat-dreams, back-porch-dreams
subject: Running around the neighborhood

Running around the neighborhood - 2019-04-02 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreamt that I had done this really long walk or run that ended up at...a restaurant? But across the street from the restaurant there was this archaeological site that I had some interest in. Presumably I went to the restaurant to talk to some other people who were also studying it, trying to solve some mystery.

The route from my home to the site was a loop, but I didn't actlually go around the loop in the normal order. Instead I was later running back to the site along the other leg. My foot was starting to hurt and I was kept trying to find a way of landing on it that didn't feel like I was jamming my foot bones into the ground, which I eventually did. Back at the site I seem to recall digging up some fragments of pots and maybe some bones. The mystery had now become about myself the last time I was there.

In a later dream I was at home with Sara. It was a bit cold and rainy outside (matching real life) but I had left the bedroom window open, and Mable and Alvin were sitting on their cat perch with rain falling on them. I closed the window so the cats wouldn't get all wet. But then I was thinking about how I kind of liked getting misted by the rain, and about the last time we had taken the cats out being a while ago (during which Becky and her dogs were also there, and the backyard had trees in back but was open on the sides, and I think I had a back porch), and then went back and opened the window for them again.