date: 2019-06-18
subject: Confusing toilet replacements
tags: toilet-dreams, flipping-out-at-sara-dreams

Confusing toilet replacements - 2019-06-18 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreamt that I was in highschool and the bathrooms had recently been changed around and the toilets had been removed. Instead there were these big square trays on the floor, too wide to squat over. It was unclear how one was supposed to take a poop, and I was glad that I didn't have to at the moment. One person was just sitting in one of the trays that had carpet in it. I was confused.

Sara was trying to adjust a Factorio map for someone into an island by laying a bunch of decals over it. Which wasn't going to work. I was like "JUST STOP" as she kept dumping more and more decals and I grabbed her sharpie and threw it across the room, which I immediately felt bad about, and then went to look under some bleachers for the sharpie.

In the last dream we lived in a small apartment building, one where individual apartments spanned multiple floors. It seemed to be on the north side of the ithsmus, because when I was out on a walk my travelling was mostly along the road to the northeast and southwest. As I came home I looked up and saw that a tornado was forming just to the east of the house. I came inside yelling "get the cats in the car and drive west we have no time!" because I didn't think our little basement would be enough to protect us. But we didn't really have enough time to do that, so we did our best to herd the cats down into a bathroom in the basement.

For breakfast Sara made us fried green tomatoes.