subject: Tunnels near the Rocky Mountains
date: 2019-10-14

Tunnels near the Rocky Mountains - 2019-10-14 - TOGoS's Journal

"Stop that! Granny's trying to sleep!" someone whispered gruffly to me, because I was playing the big electric piano outside the room. The room had been the Spanish classroom, where earlier I'd been talking about how bad I'd been at learning it in highschool but hoped to do better this time. But now we were on a road trip and hauling the entire room with us, apparently.

In a later dream I was on a road trip with Sara out west. We were walking between one place we'd stopped and our next destination. And along the way we passed near a landmark that was a 'small' mountain. In the distance were much larger mountains, and lots of them. Maybe those were the Rocky Mountains. Actually they were so much larger that they loomed above our smaller mountain. We came to some other small mountains with circular holes through them. The path we were taking passed through those holes, though we also passed through what seemed like smaller tunnels. At one point we came to a place with a hole in the floor that I almost slipped into, but caught myself on the wooden walkway that stick out from the edge a bit. The floor beneath wasn't actually very far down, so I let myself down slowly. There were other tourists just ahead of us on this same route.