date: 2020-03-23
subject: Mabel and the Three Lights
tags: nose-dreams, roller-coaster-dreams, multi-layer-dreams

Mabel and the Three Lights - 2020-03-23 - TOGoS's Journal

I was thinking back to my office at EarthIT. The one I was thinking of was more like the old Atwood office, but I was in a different corner, with a big glass window facing south to the road. I hadn't minded spending long hours there.

And then I had the thought that, now that I'm working from home again (due to Covid-19 everyone's being sent home and working remotely if they can) I could maybe work on Factorio a little bit, since I had never told them I was quitting! And then I thought about that more and realized that actually I had officially quit that job and no longer had access to the source code or the Slack channel or anything, and didn't have time for it anyway. And then I was kind of sad.

I was at the doctor, and they were looking up my nose with a camera and a light. There was a screen set up so that I could see what the camera saw, and I was like "Hey looks pretty clean!" (thanks to routine booger removal), and then "Oh wow, I can see way up into my head there!", It was a little bit unsettling how far up my head I could see.

I was at work at JHT. The office was actually pretty realistic, except that some of the cube walls were removed so on the west side of the office there was a 4-cube spot. Maybe 4 cubes in my area had been turned into one big box like that, also. I was standing in one of the western ones talking to Mitch about socialist stuff.

I was...well it seemed like at church, but not for church. I was there with a group of Timmy's friends. I was feeling my scalp and realized that I had some small bumps under the skin which I could push around. Eventually I got one out through an opening just above my ear, and it was a small plastic cylinder that I recongised as being a piece from a lego-like construction piece. I happened to be wearing some kind of headset over my ears made out of them, and took it off while I continued pushing the things out of my skin. I asked one of the friends if he would record me removing one so that I could see how it was coming out. We went down into my basement to do this, as if the soldering desk was where all the video recording equipment was.

I was up at the farm with Sara. There was like some kind of festival going on and lots of people standing around in the field, which was all dry and yellow. Overhead there was some kind of cable car system going east-west with baskets moving back and forth to different places. The baskets were full of cats going for rides. I walked south along a mowed path to a different part of the field with another overhead cable. Just to the east of where I was standing this one turned and became vertical, like a roller coaster (Top Thrill Dragster, specifically), and I watched a basketfull of cats riding up and down it. Right next to it there was a proper roller coaster track doing a similar shape.

Then I went for a journey.

I ended up at some small parking lot in Ohio edged by a few trees and beyond that maybe some farms or warehouses. There was a couple of girls there with white long-sleeved shirts. Like the kind you'd wear because it's sunny, because it was sunny in this parking lot. I asked them: which way to Great America? They told me that we were basically in St Louis, so from here I could just go south. Because in my dream St Louis was about somewhere in Michigan, and the great lakes were all farther north.

Oh right, it's in Gurnee. But since I was near St Louis I went to the Six Flags there. I was inspecting the tracks of one of the coasters at the point where it started to get hauled up the hill. At this point the track was embedded in the sidewalk and had a 90 degree turn, which I looked closer at, and noted that there was more mechanical stuff inside each groove. Very interesting.

Then I walked up some steps into a sort of Eiffel Toweresque building, which was part of the roller coaster's structure. Eiffel Toweresque in that it was open underneath and then had a platform above with shops and stuff. I got up to a platform just below the main one, and someone behind a counter started yelling at me to get my "free dollars".

I said "what?"

They said "Load up on Free Bucks!!"

I was like what the heck are free bucks. I didn't care and continued to pass in front of the Free Bucks counter towards the up-stairs.

"Okay then, you only get one dollar" they said to my back. I shook my head and made a wtf face and continued on.

And then I woke up on my parents' couch. It was the middle of the night and everyone was asleep. Except for one of Timmy's friends who is currently living there with them apparently. I was telling him about my dreams. And I told him: "I fell asleep on my couch with Mabel, with 3 lights on, and now I'm here. Weird, huh?"

That is very weird, come to think of it. Why didn't I remember going over there? Did I sleepwalk or something? I had been feeling a bit out of it, and very tired.

"Haha, maybe I'm actually still asleep and dreaming..." I said to him. And then I imagined myself being somewhere else.

And then I woke up, back on my own couch. Mabel wasn't with me anymore, but I rolled over and saw that she was on the smaller couch, looking at me. It was dark outside and I heard thunder. I walked to the front door and opened it so I could look out the screen door. The neighbor across the street was walking their garbage down to the curb. It was raining and thundering.

But now I was confused again. I distinctly remembered falling asleep with 3 lights on, but now they were all off and it was totally dark.

I woke up again. Mabel was napping on my arm. The lights were on. And it was daytime. Oh right, I had fallen asleep on the couch after seeing Sara off to work. And I needed to go to work! I checked the clock on the stove and found that I had not overslept, but that it was time to start getting going.