date: 2020-05-01
subject: Pogo sticking through the woods

Pogo sticking through the woods - 2020-05-01 - TOGoS's Journal

I was coming home along the bike path. Normally I would be walking, and it took a long time to get between home and downtown. But this time I picked up a thick stick and bounced on it like a pogo stick. There was woods between Glenway and the beltline, and the path twisted through them, going up and down hills, over rocks and roots and things. It was very fun to traverse using my pogo stick.

So in non-dream news, today started with one of my comments in the Let's Pretend We're Communist Ants facebook group got deleted because I said "B I T E" with spaces between the letters, which is very normal for the other ant group. More shitty stuff piled on from there.

I want to quit this shit and go grow vegetables.