date: 2020-07-04
subject: Burning buckthorn

Burning buckthorn - 2020-07-04 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a bunch of dreams last night!

In one I was up by the farm, driving a 4-wheeler on the highway with Sara or Becky. At one point I got frustrated with my phone and tossed it into the grass, but then some distance later was like UGH now I have to go get it. I told whoever I'd been riding with to go on without me while I went to look (apparently we were on two separate 4-wheelers). So then I went back and was looking for it, and it was taking a long time to find, though I think I did find it eventually. And I kept having to pee? Good thing there were woods readily available.

Then in another dream we were having a big party at church. It was like a birthday party for everybody. And Teddy was there, and someone had given him a pillow to stuff in his pants so he'd have a booty, and he thought the whole thing was great and was laughing at his own pillow-butt.

At a point during that party I was laying face-down on some platform that was like a raised floor, and I was laughing because I realized that Gen-Z people were going to take over and that meant that "capitalism is screwed". But maybe people would think I was crying, so I got up and looked at the festivities that were occurring. One of them was people standing in two rows to make like a tunnel, and there was string cris-crossing on the floor between them? And someone would walk down there, and then the new minister (who I got a mail about yesterday) would tell them something, but there was some disagreement between the new and the old minister about what to say, because one was telling people that they were Jesus's bestest friend, and the other was like "not everyone can be Jesus's bestest friend!"

Another one: I was biking or walking on Nakoma road, but having crossed Midvale at the bike path, and I met some kid who was hungry, so I told them we'd go get some potatoes together, from like the library, because when I was hungry I thought potatoes were great (this part had a rather post-fall-of-capitalism vibe because people just randomly helped other people and potatoes were readily available if you just walked to the place to get them). So then we just had to find a place to eat the potatoes. And then we were in a car with the rest of their family, and the kid said "and then you mix the water with the powder and voila, mashed potatoes!" and I wondered if they had ever eaten a real potato, and their mom said "I like to say 'yay chocolate' instead of 'boo potato powder'", and I was becoming confused. Was she saying to use chocolate powder instead of potato powder? I guess that would just make hot chocolate.

Yesterday I had spent the first several hours of the day playing Minecraft. Today I did not play Minecraft (yet) but I did not wake up until noon. Both days I spent several hours doing yard work.