date: 2020-07-13
subject: Eddys in the space-time continuum

Eddys in the space-time continuum - 2020-07-13 - TOGoS's Journal

Context: Last weekend I got sucked into a Minecraft for a long time, and spent a lot of it sitting in such a bent over way that I started leaking spinal fluid from my nose. I've tried to sit straighter since then.

Becky and Max have been helping me figure out what car to buy, and how to buy it.

Sara came to visit yesterday and left today. Her time in Madison was relatively exciting.

I dreamt that I was driving south along what seemed like Highway 12, between Baraboo and Sauk City. It looked stormy outside, and I was excited for the storm, but someone I was riding with was worried.

At the turn to the east right before Sauk City it became an apartment building. Stephanie lived there, and I guess was having people over. I was looking at my camera and found some old pictures from when we (not a euphemism for sex) slept together. It was funny because you could tell the occasions were different because we were wearing different colored clothes, but we always ended up sleeping in the exact same positions. The pictures were taken as if from a camera in the ceiling. I didn't question why they existed.

The storm was clearing and the sun was setting, and out the window to the west the sky had these neon purple ribbons and looked super cool. I was taking pictures of it with my camera. There was also a valley and a pine forest, and I wanted to go out and walk in it and take in the moisture from the air and take more pictures of the sunset.

That led me to a peduncle of this building which was round and had a lot of glass paneled windows. Out the windows I could see a mountain that reminded me, by its size, of the small mountain / large hill near the hostel where I stayed in Interlaken. But it wasn't a mountain. It was too steep and smooth, made of this featureless dark blue rock. I leaned into the window to follow it upwards with my eyes. It was actually a very tall structure. Too tall to be natural, but too blobby and too big to be man-made. Had some aliens built this here? I noticed that the room I was in was very oversized and alien-looking, too, and also made out of that dark blue stone. Yeah, must have been aliens.

Later I was back in that apartment building, and it was very late, like 2AM. I walked down a long descending ramp to a 'party room' (like the rooms they have off to the sides at bowling alleys or roller skating places) and found someone fromt he group that I was loosely associated with (some SA or SA-adjacent group, I suppose) was having their birthday party. And I agreed to stick around, but then regretted saying I'd stick around, since it was already so late and this would go on for at least a couple more hours, and I really wanted to get to bed.