date: 2020-07-22
tags: factorio-dreams, office-dreams, factorio-office-dreams, psychill-dreams, geo-metro
subject: Factorio office with Psychill room

Factorio office with Psychill room - 2020-07-22 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that I was visiting the office in Prague. For the moment it looked like only me, Kovarex, Twinsen, and Klonan were there (and I think Twinsen/Klonan were merged into one person most of the time). Maybe it was off hours, or maybe people were just out a lot because work was wrapping u. and people were getting burned out.

As long as I was there, Kovarex asked me to adjust the 'water level' to be lower farther from the starting point. I missed working on Factorio and this was an easy enough change. Though I suggested raising the land instead of lowering the water so that there wouldn't be ugly waterfalls at the point where round(water_level) changed (because in the dream I was mixing up Factorio and Minecraft).

I wondered if I should make coffee. And I wondered if I should go to the store and get those chocolate-covered wafer cookie things that I tended to become addicted to, because then it would be just like my other times in Prague.

The way the office was layed out, there seemed to be a main front room with desks where people worked. It had a pretty high ceiling, at least standard for Prague. Towards the back was the kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, and between them was an open area with maybe a higher-than-usual ceiling, which almost felt like a small bit of warehouse. That in-between area was subdivided by temporary walls, kind of like booths at an expo. And there may have been some other stuff behind curtains, or maybe some boxes of equipment lying around, but there were 3 distinct 'places' in this room, playing different music. The largest was towards the front room, and had a big curtain with like space-themed patterns on it which was kind of cool to look at, and a chair. It was playing some electronic music maybe best characterized as Psychill. The smallest one was just a glowing yellow abstract...stick figure. You could see it as a sort of contorted person, or as a cactus. It gave a southwestern vibe, and the music when you stood in front of it was a bit more abrasive. Or at least 'weirder', and less soothing. The last place was behind that, and was in-between in size and soothingness, but was more similar to that first one. As I walked back to the working part of the office, I told Twinsen/Klonan that I preferred the Psychill one.

Then I was back in Madison, on Verona Road. I saw my Geo being carried off by a car-carrying truck. I jumped on to visit it one last time. But then realized that it wasn't my geo. It was a taller and longer car of similar style and color.

I noted the first part of this dream in a reply to FFF-356, where I also said:

I know the burnout feeling! I think a lot of it has to do with losing focus and not really knowing what to work on anymore. Having a partner (your kid, in this case) who approaches the project from another angle (like developing content, just playing it, or getting on your case about inefficiencies in the code (thanks Rseding)) can help highlight specific things that need attention and get you back on track. Actually one of the reasons I drifted away from Factorio last year was that my main sub-project was kind of done, and it just wasn't clear what I should be working on anymore. I wanted to add mountains or large natural walls of some sort (for 'adventure mode'), but got frustrated when tiles didn't work like I wanted (all the tile transition logic made adding new tiles complicated!), and it didn't seem like anyone else on the team was too into the idea. It was much easier to throw my hands up and go outside and do gardening. Well, that, and I didn't have any friends to play the game with the same way I like to play it (I like to build compact little self-contained factories with windy belts around lakes and forests and then over-engineer defense systems). So the fun of it had been replaced by anxiety.