date: 2020-08-13
tags: marvin-ave-dreams
subject: Long leaps, maggots, and new apartments on my street

Long leaps, maggots, and new apartments on my street - 2020-08-13 - TOGoS's Journal

I was jogging from the highwaay towards Home Depot. Previous dreams about that area seemed to center on what a pain it is to traverse by foot, and having these labyrinthine routes that I'd have to take to get from one side to the other. Or about bus routes, or bridges, or something. This one was not about any of that. I had already crossed Verona Road somehow. Maybe there was no traffic, and that made it easy. As I jogged I found that I could easily take very large steps. That's weird! What's up with that? Oh no, Earth isn't getting sucked into a black hole again, is it? I looked southeast toards the dark sky. If something weird was happening in space I couldn't tell, because that part of the sky was covered in indistinct gray haze.

Later I was back at my house. Are the blackberries still good? I wondered. They've been in the fridge for a couple weeks. I would feel bad throwing them out! Renee was over. Maybe we were going to cuddle. But then we didn't get around to it.

I stepped outside. Now it was bright and sunny. The two neighbors to the east had sold their houses. And the houses were gone! And there appeared to be a 3-story apartment building being constructed in their place! Between my yard and the new apartment lot was a new road, so I started walking south along it. Sara was with me. Mrs Theide ran up behind us (wearing a mask) because she wanted to tell us something.