date: 2020-08-28
subject: Dresses, Outing club, EIT, Josh, end of summer

Dresses, Outing club, EIT, Josh, end of summer - 2020-08-28 - TOGoS's Journal

I needed underwear but all I could find was a large pack that contained 3 packs of ladies' underwear and 3 packs of slips. So I was in a changing room trying to determine if I could look decent in a dress. This was happening on, like, some inter-town excursion or something. The changing room wasn't at a store; it was in in a round concrete structure with gardens outside. Sara was waiting for me outside.

I was jogging towards home, over the beltline bike bridge. There was a parking lot to the left. It was full of Outing Club people packing up cars for some trip. Oh, I thought to myself, I haven't seen these people for a while; what happened?

Then I showed up at Earth IT. It did not resemble their actual office at all. Actually it kind of resembled the old building in that the building was bisected, but in this version you entered a stairway from the main hall on the lower floor, which took you up to the office. I was back because they had some work for me. I felt a little awkward about it. Maybe because I hadn't yet gotten into the work, and was talking to John. But Josh was there, too, and I had missed Josh.

I was in an apartment building. Part of a complex with a few others, and outside of that there were mountains and other nice scenery. I was visiting someone's room, and someone was dangling an incense burner shaped like a house. Something about the incense and the burner was very Christmass-ey. I liked it, but it seemed inappropriate for this time of year. I looked out the window and there were spots of snow on the ground. Oh no, is summer ending already?

I need to prepare a tech talk about Git and it's stressing me out.