date: 2020-09-28
subject: Girl stuff and swamp stuff and boy-with-a-boat stuff

Girl stuff and swamp stuff and boy-with-a-boat stuff - 2020-09-28 - TOGoS's Journal

I'd been spending time with Moriah, maybe we were working on another cat fort thing? But now she was getting busy with school/work stuff, and was spending time trying to finish up a bunch of paperwork in this stone fort at the top of a hill while I watched fireworks from the bottom.

Sara and I were walking on a 'swamp trail'. It went through an area with some trees but more ferns and bushes along a river, but parts of the trail also somehow extended over the river. Maybe the 'trail' I was thinking of was really just an imaginary trail drawn on a map, and therefore could extend into the river. This was not a linear trail but a dense network of paths.

I was at home, which did not at all resemble either actual home. Sara came back from...a date, I guess? A date with a guy with a beard. She had a sad look on her face and told me that she was going back out with the guy and they were going to have sex. I guess she was sad because she was doing this for trying-to-be-okay-with-poly-stuff reasons rather than because it was really what she wanted to do, and she felt weird about it. I also felt a little weird about it because they had only just met each other and I hadn't met the guy at all! As Sara left I went out and waved at the guy from the porch with a baseball glove on my hand (it had just arrived in the mail). He smiled and waved back. He had a truck and was towing a boat.

After they left I felt angry because nobody ever wanted to make sexytime with me after a first date!