date: 2020-10-03
subject: Where can I get a parasail?

Where can I get a parasail? - 2020-10-03 - TOGoS's Journal

A couple of nights ago I dreamt about having travelled up and to the west. In my dream mind 'west' was equated with the west side of Whitney Way, and there was a nice road through some woods that we had driven along. There was a mountain that we descended as we came home, and about halfway home I was like "hey I want to parasail the rest of the way down!" I spent the rest of the dream hunting around in some shops for a parasail (there was this whole complex of shops with big glass windows and classrooms where people were learning to rock climb and stuff). My friends wwere getting impatient with me.

This morning I dreamt that my house was more like/where Neil's house is, and Kitaia came to visit. I was probably feeling self-conscious about how messy it was. Or maybe I was baking a cake or something idk.

I kind of want to update the RandomMazes code. At least fix the bug that it sometimes generates impossible mazes where your path is blocked by kitty-corner blocks, but maybe update it to include the updated engine code with switches and stuff. Maybe add some enemies and more interesting room types. Will I find time to do this? I have no idea.

I also want to try mixing some mica powder with linseed oil and see if I can use that to color some wood.