date: 2020-10-28
subject: New EIT cult, Joh's survivalist rock
tags: earthit-dreams, office-dreams, alternate-job-dreams

New EIT cult, Joh's survivalist rock - 2020-10-28 - TOGoS's Journal

John Samuelson told me that EarthIT had work again and were hiring people and asked if I could come back. I said "YES", since just the other day I was thinking about how much I missed that job.

So I came back and it was the ssecond floor office, though the layout was a bit off. I was in one of the southwest offices with a bunch of people. Some were new, others were people from before. Allison was there, but dressed as Justin, so I called her Justin. Maybe she was going as that anyway.

The new version of the company was kind of cult-like. Everyone ate meals together in a room where my office used to be and there were these rituals. For example you'd shove chocolate chips into a cube of vanilla cake and offer it to the witch (who was just another employee). It was a not-very-serious thing that I went along with for funzies.

Then I was out on some foraging mission. I went to some cave off to the northeast (assuming directions relative to the dream EIT office correspond to the same relative directions from the real one); the trek to and from the cave was parallel to a beach to the southeast (which is funny because in real life there is a lake there). It felt kind of like scouting around in Satisfactory. Maybe I brought back some ore or some crystals or some bolts or something.

That morphed into looking at this rocky island in a cold angry ocean. The rock was gray and layered sideways, and some of the layers worn away, so it looked like a big piece of driftwood (like the one above the fireplace I'd been sleepily looking at before going to bed). Joh had brought us there. He was on some survivalist kick, doing the most hardcore thing he could think of, which was to survive on this rock for a while. He said "first thing to do is find food, and there's food in the ocean", and he dove off a high point of the rock into the water, which was at least a 50-foot drop. Wow, very hardcore.

Nick e-mailed me today to ask about some Phrebar thing (specifically about a Make rule that downloads Jar files).