date: 2020-11-24
tags: uinderground-dreams, space-ship-dreams, swimming-dreams
subject: Sand cave, boat harbor, evergreen postcard

Sand cave, boat harbor, evergreen postcard - 2020-11-24 - TOGoS's Journal

Some dreams:

I was on a spaceship going to, like, Mars or something. For some reason we (the crew) spent a lot of time hanging around on the outside of the ship. One side, specifically. It wasn't all that big. Maybe about 30' square, with various ridges and inset areas and doodads. I preferred being close to the middle of the surface because I would feel unsecure and a little queasy at the edge.

Then there was this whole thing where I was on a quest to find something with one or two other people. We had only a vague notion of there the thing was, which was northish from where we started.

At one point we were underground and discovered a way forward, but it was through a sand cave. Like the floor and ceiling of the passage, which was a narrow slit, angled from the bottom left to the top right, were just dry sand. I didn't want to try toi go through because I figured the sand could collapse on us given the slightest distrurbance. I poked at the ceiling in front of me and a little bit fell down. Meanwhile my partners started off on a different route.

Then I was a different member of this same group and there was a harbor full of boats to cross. So I just dove in. I didn't really like swimming around by a bunch of gross boats but it seemed alright. The water where I was swimming was very shallow and had a bunch of rough rocks at the bottom.

Later we were back in the hallway of some office building, maybe standing by a water cooler. Someone there asked me about the trip. I had a stack of postcard-sized pictures with me, so I picked out one with a lot of dark green. It had a gloomy sky and evergreen forest, and one tree in particular was centered in the picture. I told them that it reminded me of the tree Sara and I had climbed up, our arms around the trunk, to get to the top of a cliff. "oh yeah and the wood was purple!" Sara added. I didn't remember that detail but it sounded legit. It had been a very odd tree.