date: 2020-12-04
subject: Wear your masks and we won't have to be standoffish

Wear your masks and we won't have to be standoffish - 2020-12-04 - TOGoS's Journal

Me to Fizz today:

I had a dream that you weren't responding to Signal messages and it was because you had to go back to Colorado for a week to do physics stuff.

And earlier you had been at my parents' house and everyone from SA was there and Jacob was like (referring to you) why is he so standoffish, because you had spent most of the time back in the computer room looking at something with me and my dad, and I was like well there's a pandemic and none of y'all (SA people) are wearing masks.

Also there was something about a spinning cube on the west side of Toki that we used to stand on but now they had a different cube there.

Like it was a big plastic thing that you'd stand on and try to balance, I guess. And it would spin under your weight. The new one was like a cube but with the corners cut off.

He responded "lol awesome" and that "that sounds about right" (regarding the cube).

Also today I went on some side quests (the main non-ritual things on my to-do list being to work on Blocko and 'basement shelf thing') and ended up (finally) connecting a power supply to some fairy lights (that would otherwise have to have their batteries changed constantly) and updating the TOGoS track database to refer to 'recordings' instead of 'songs' (since I think of various recordings of different versions to be the same 'song'; this was tengential to Blocko work, because I want to release no-drums and drums-only variations and will need a way to represent those in the file). Also of interest to nobody (except me) is that I resurrected an old RDF file.