date: 2020-12-28
subject: Noticed by friends in the pedestrian tunnel

Noticed by friends in the pedestrian tunnel - 2020-12-28 - TOGoS's Journal

I was walking along the wall of a dark and crowded pedestrian tunnel by Library Mall. I was doing a job, maybe sweeping and cleaning up some trash. Renee and Jason were walking by and at first didn't notice me, but then one of them did and they came back to talk to me. I got into a talk with Jason about tech stuff, which evolved into a [probably nonsensical] technical dream.

That then evolved into a dream where I was talking to a "union guy" who had some rather hick mannerisms but I liked him because he was 'a union guy'. He was trying to make a joke about vegetarians as a 3-panel pictures-of-meat-and-fake-meat thing but it wasn't clear what it was trying to say, so at the end of the dream I was telling him that.