date: 2021-01-26
subject: Get sleeted on my way to visit Renee

Get sleeted on my way to visit Renee - 2021-01-26 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreamt I was walking to Renee's place at like 1AM. I was going down the bike path, which was realistic enough, except to the right of the path between the beltline and Midvale was a country landscape, not houses, so I could look past the trees in that direction and see the sky in the distance. There were some ominous city-lights-lit clouds.

I took a detour to the left, which brought me to Whitney Way, which was somehow parallel to the path, and then 'forward' to the Meadowridge library. I did something on a computer there.

I continued walking along the path, and it started sleeting on me pretty hard. I decided it'd be best to turn around and go home. Which somehow led me back through the golf course, as if I was actually heading back from the library, which was superimposed onto part of the golf course. The snow was hard and icy, and I was doing cool slides on it while listening to Mind.In.A.Box.

Relation to real life: last night I drove home from Lodi. It was not snowing north of about highway 19 but then as I got into Madison it got snowier and snowier, which seemed weird to me.

In another part, maybe before that snowy walk, Moriah was visiting and at my house. I knew this even though I wasn't home because I saw her on a camera that was apparently mounted on a post at the end of the road, and recognized her by the way she walked. I scurried home and caught her before she left. She was highly amused about something and wanted to tell me about it.