date: 2021-02-26
subject: Building a gridbeam house in the barn

Building a gridbeam house in the barn - 2021-02-26 - TOGoS's Journal

I had this dream where...well there was some travelling. At one point I was up north with Sara, but we weren't even in the farmhouse, we were living in a barn and incrementally making it into a liveable space, probably by building a tiny gridbeam houses full of straw.. Meanwhile it was snowing outside.

Then there was this other part where I was working or living at what seemed like some kind of nursing home or 'long term care facility'. It seemed that way just because of the layout. It was a single-story building that had a few segments with connecting hallways between them (which sometimes met at non-right-angles), all sort of up on the top of hill, so that at night I could stand in one of the connectors and look out the window at the surrounding countryside. To the north I could see the lights a nearby city in the distance.