date: 2021-05-30
tags: nick-p-dreams, pink-floyd-dreams, basement-break-in-dreams, catwalk-dreams
subject: Sandra in my basement, exploring catwalks, Pink Floyd party

Sandra in my basement, exploring catwalks, Pink Floyd party - 2021-05-30 - TOGoS's Journal

I was living in a big house with a bunch of other people, including Allison. Allison's room was a big mess.

Sandra Dyar was over and wanted some supplies. I told her I'd get them for her, but then she started saying a bunch of transphobic stuff. So I was like nevermind get outta here. But then she was outside the basement window (the house I was in had mostly-glass basement wall on one side) and broke in and made a mess. So then I had to deal with that.

This house had a lot of rooms, and for a while I was a cat, walking along a catwalk which crossed between rooms and visited some other high-up secret nooks. Some of the rooms had people in them doing people stuff, and they didn't mind me visiting through the walls because I was just a cat.

And then I was at a Pink Floyd show in a large enclosed space, like a stadium. I was there with Nick, and was telling him about the house, and how Sandra had broken in and that was irritating, and about how Allison was messy. And I was lucid enough to realize that since it was a dream we could float around if we wanted.

(I think realizing the freedom I have wiuthin a dream has happened a few times, lately. Maybe poking around in my pre-sleep elevator helps with that.)