date: 2021-08-12
subject: Staying with Connor in Seattle

Staying with Connor in Seattle - 2021-08-12 - TOGoS's Journal

I was in Seattle again but staying with Connor this time. Mostly I was concerned with finding restaurants to eat at and getting back to Connor's place in time to meet up and do other stuff, and there was a gigantic stadium that we passed by on the train every day which, together with its parking lot, had replaced many city blocks of housing and small businesses and so it was generally hated.

I was driving somewhere in my Geo and was having road rage at some pickup truck that was passing me on the wrong side, so I shot one of their tires out with a shotgun through my own windshield. They were mad about that but couldn't do anything (though at one point I wondered if they would catch up and shoot at me) but from then on I had a big hole in the windshield.

And maybe it was the dream after that where people kept coming into the house to take my guns. The house was more like my parents' house, stairs-to-basement-wise, but there was also a vertical shaft that could be used to get down there, which was important because sometimes the normal way to get to the back half of the basement was blocked. Thanks to a combination of having lots of clutter, mattresses propped up in places to look like walls, guns kept in odd places, alternate routes through the house, and Sara having an important key wrapped in a tissue in her back pocket, we were just barely able to prevent them from getting anything. But it was stressful.

Something about the movie Titanic, but interactive (we were in it), but then a Johnny Depp movie that was mostly bad, maybe about faries or something I was rewatching the movie, or thinking about it, and remembering that it had a lot of different parts, and they weren't all bad. There was one part where they were going down into some kind of tree-trunk cave that was cool.

Later, maybe somewhat intertwined with that Titanic dream, I was driving around and another car with tinted windows kept passing me, and it turned out it was Jelani driving it for a car advert.