date: 2021-09-20
subject: Kapok tree, Captain Picard visit
tags: tree-dreams, captain-picard-dreams

Kapok tree, Captain Picard visit - 2021-09-20 - TOGoS's Journal

A group of friends, Sara, and I were on an adventure of sorts, to my parents' backyard, which seemed to be rather more expansive than the reasl one. We had driven in from the back in multiple cars and parked near a thick, white-trunked deciduous tree. The top of this tree had been chopped off a few years ago, just above where the main branches came out, leaving it much shorter than it used to be but still one of the largest trees in the yard. I wasn't sure what to call it, but was wondering if it was a kapok tree.

I climbed up onto the top of the trunk, where it was cut off. The tree's surface was flexible so the tree could bend and stretch, and I noticed it moving around my feet, as if it was trying to grab me. I was able to move faster than the tree and not get stuck, but then thought of Sara's Prius which was parked at the bottom. I looked down and saw that the tree was starting to wrap around the car, and shouted down to the others as I climbed down that we'd better move it.

There was this whole thing where Captain Picard had been staying with us up at the farm, but was moving out and also retiring, and had left some photos (the old-fashioned glossy physical kind, faded yellow or maybe taken that way) behind in a drawer in his room. There were some pictures of the crew, which was cool, and also some from his stay on the farm, and I was trying to figure out the perspective from which he had taken them. From the blue house, I think? But what are those woods on the right? I was a little confused (which is not surprising given that the layout of the farm in the dream didn't seem to have any basis in the real farm).