date: 2022-01-01
subject: Dwarf Annihilatorio

Dwarf Annihilatorio - 2022-01-01 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that Sara had gotten, or was about to get, a tattoo around her elbow. I was grumpy about it because I don't like tattoos, and when I had wanted to do something she didn't like, I wasn't allowed. Also, she had a date with some dude coming up, and I wasn't too worried about it, but then the dude was sending her these really gushy texts, like he was so in love with her, and that kind of bummed me out because now I was feeling insecure about my relationship with Sara, plus I was having a low-dopamine day to begin with, which a troublesome video game was not helping with.

The game was interesting. It seemed to be a combination of Factorio, Total Annihilation, and Dwarf Fortress. The world was very large, and there were these resource nodes that players would try to defend. I liked to build 'boring vehicles', which were like boxy stainless steel vans, because I thought I understood how to use them (kind of like how I build pikeman armies in AoE), and someone was telling me that that was lame and I should build more different units, like maybe an Explorer (fast little vehicle from Satisfactory).

There were also bugs! Like, maybe one of the player races was bugs, and rather than building machines, they just made more bugs. Currently I was fighting some bugs in attempt to take over a resource node (maybe a geothermal vent), but also I could create bugs myself. I wasn't sure what units made sense to build, so I was randomly trying things. In this case I had a lot of my own bugs kill their bugs.

Just as I was taking over the node, I saw on the mini-map a huge swath of red pour over the mountains that were adjacent to both this resource node and my home base, and completely obliterate everything I had done. At first I thought the red pixels represented the army of another player (I no longer had a visual from 'on the ground' since all my units had been vaporized), which would have made it an army 1000x larger than either mine or that of the bugs I had just beaten, but then I decided that some dwarves had dug too deep into the mountains and opened up a magma chamber, and that's what had wiped us out.

In any case, I was feeling frustrated about this game.