date: 2022-04-04
subject: Cool Elevated Tracks, Bro

Cool Elevated Tracks, Bro - 2022-04-04 - TOGoS's Journal

I was drawing a big complex maze on a piece of paper. I had divided the whole area into smaller squares to make the complexity more manageable. I was finishing filling in one of the squares.

Then my maze drawing became a city build around and on a large pointy hill. There was an elevated railroad track far above the city (about level with the top of the hill) that also turned to go around the hill off to some mines or something. There was a big spotlight from the foot of a large statue shining up into the sky. Its light mostly just lit up the mist around it, but it also grazed a few buildings and lit up a segment of the track.

Later, during the day, and after having worked at the mine or something, Fizz and I were riding back and forth on the train trying to decide where to go for a hike and discussing whether we had enough water and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.