date: 2022-07-13
tags: music-festival-dreams
subject: Don't forget to pack wipes!

Don't forget to pack wipes! - 2022-07-13 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that Sara and I went to some electronic music festival that was size-wise in-between Summer Camp and Sacred Earth, with a lot of interesting technology that I wanted to look at being used on different little stages arranged in a square donut shape, maybe around a pond or marsh. This should have been cool but I was feeling vaguely frustrated by something that was on my mind which I no longer remember.

Maybe not at the festival proper, but on the same trip, I was having a meeting with some guy, and that was interrupted by me having to hit the can, where I had super watery diarrhea that somehow went up my back. I was all out of wipes and clean underwear.