date: 2022-07-31
tags: accomplishment-reminder-dreams
subject: Old merit badges and other symbols of accomplishments

Old merit badges and other symbols of accomplishments - 2022-07-31 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreamt that I weas graduating. From what, I'm not sure. We were encouraged to add flair to our gowns representing our accomplshments. I was going through a bunch of old stuff to try to find something. There were some old boy scout merit badges; maybe I could use those. There was something about a cube I had made in 3rd grade or something. Which was funny because I'm still all about cubes, but don't have flair to celebrate the more recent and bigger ones. There were random little electronics-on-plywood thingamabobs that Joh and I had built. Some were from before TOGRack, so were odd dimensions. For attaching to my gown, it would be nice if they were all TOGRack.

This dream was trying to remind me that my life hasn't been a complete failure, but that I did some cool stuff on occasion.

Also, Marilla, while saying a bunch of baby sounds, happened to say a full (though short, one-syllable) word. So we were encouraging her to say it again.