date: 2022-11-03
subject: More Stupid Elon Musk Mines, Marilla the Half-Alien Ambassador
tags: elon-musk-dreams, space-travel-dreams, walgreens-dreams

More Stupid Elon Musk Mines, Marilla the Half-Alien Ambassador - 2022-11-03 - TOGoS's Journal


Elon Musk had this stupid mine that we were all working in. He liked to make fun of people for complaining about lack of safety measures, and would, for example, demonstrate how easy and not-dangerous it was to pack a bunch of explosives into a hole and detonate it, which happened to work out when he did it, but still didn't seem very safe.

Meanwhile, outside the being-mined hill, there were these wiry blue creatures who were doing their best to mind their own business and not be seen. I liked to play as them to see the world from their perspective, so I got to know these different trails that they used.

Something about picking up Timmy somewhere along Rayovac Dr. I guess he had gotten a new job that involved a lot of physical labor so now he was all buff. I was trying to get to Walgreens to pick up something that was not a prescription, but went to the pharmacy drive-through anyway, and then realized that that might not work. Maybe I wasn't supposed to ask the pharmacist for orange juice or whatever. Later I parked in the parking lot and went inside, but was a little fuzzy on what I was there to get.

We were going to the moon. We being me, Sara, Marilla, and maybe Jason. There was this big pompous party to send us off, starting at a castle, where the king and queen and a whole bunch of other people came out wearing big fancy frilly multi-layered outfits.

Halfway to the moon it was revealed to me that the purpose of the journey was to drop Marilla off because she was a half-alien who would be an ambassador between us and the aliens who lived on the moon. Something something, we were 15 hours away from home, but then instead of 15 hours of flying through space, Sara and I were just walking across the Pacific Cycle parking lot, which only took about a minute. This inconsistency had Dyson Sphere Program '40 minubtes to cross 2 light years' vibes. As if we had fast-forwarded past that whole Marilla-being-half-alien-ambassador episode and were now all home together again.