date: 2022-12-09
subject: Hippie Hideout in the Humanities Building

Hippie Hideout in the Humanities Building - 2022-12-09 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that pretty much everybody in Madison was getting rounded up and sent to concentration camps. I was in one of those weird concrete university buildings and, along with a small group of other people who also happened to be in the same place, managed to avoid being caught just by walking through a particular back hallway at the right time, like squirrels staying hidden on the opposite side of a tree.

Once they were done we had the whole city to ourselves, though we had to be careful to stay somewhat hidden. So there was this hippie commune inside the humanities building. In the dream it was farther along University, at the bend where it becomes Gorham, but definitely had architectural elements of the humanities building, like sloped walls and lots of concrete. It also had some more mazey corridors, reminiscent of parts of Vilas Hall, and had big skylights over a large atrium along the south side where people were attempting to grow some crops.

Later, I was walking around in some kind of prairie maze at night with Fizz, Somewhere to the southwest of Madison. We were horsing around with our USB flashlights and fancy notebooks until we saw a car on the adjacent highway coming toward us from the west. At that point we had to hide in the grass.