date: 2023-05-20
subject: Some not-very-interesting dreams, written down for the sake of writing them down

Some not-very-interesting dreams, written down for the sake of writing them down - 2023-05-20 - TOGoS's Journal

Some recent dreams:

One, from maybe last night, but maybe a night or two ago: The bottom of my Kia Soul was getting super rusty.

Yesterday: This was mixed up with Merry and Pippin resting for a bit in Fangorn Forest right after escaping from the orcs, and seemed to take place at that location in space, though there was no resemblance. There was a tall house with high-ceilinged rooms.

Another dream, from just this morning: I was at my parents' house with my cats. Some children were there, and they had Alvin on a harness and were dragging him around the house with them. I was like "hey that's not nice" and took the harness off of Alvin. Then I rubbed his belly, which in the dream was white, even though he's all black. Maybe Alvin was representing Yoru, who I did used to put a harness on and she did have some white hairs on her belly.