date: 2023-09-24
subject: PsyChamber Submissions

PsyChamber Submissions - 2023-09-24 - TOGoS's Journal

The last and most memorable part of dream from this morning:

I had recently released some newish tracks. One of them had, as cover art, an aerial photo of some small structure in the country, several straight, narrow, concrete (or colored as if concrete) paths radiating away from it, and another straight path or two crossing the area, intersecting the others. There was a lot of green in the picture. Mostly grassy, but with a few trees here and there, and a hint of some woods along the top left edge.

I was woking in some shared workspace and PsyChamber happened to be there. He was a tall dude with dark hair. He told me that he was finally considering using one of my tracks in a mix, and asked if I had made anything recently. I found links to two of the recently-released ones, but then, listening to them in this context, found that the intro to the one that I had more hope for was kind of overly-noisy, non-musical, and annoying, and even though I knew the track had cool parts further in, felt like I had lost my opportunity.

"To-do: Make some tracks worthy of a PsyChamber mix!" I thought to myself.