date: 2023-11-19
tags: farm-dreams
subject: Town with a river and a hill, vehicles for chickens

Town with a river and a hill, vehicles for chickens - 2023-11-19 - TOGoS's Journal

There was a section of a bike path that I was trying to traverse along a concrete-lined creek or small canal through some town. It was sort of messed up due to some construction, and trying to figure out how to get past the blocked part was a frustrating puzzle involving crossing over the creek to the path on either side at different points and seeing if that led anywhere, finding dead-ends, and having to go back and try some other route.

In another dream, I was up on the farm and Sara had bought[en] the front sections of a bunch of small modular vehicles. They were like the size of kids' electric Barbie cars, but gasoline-powered, and only the front wheels, engine, and steering wheel. Presumably other sections could be attached but were passive, like a tractor trailer. I later found out that she was giving them to neighbor's chickens so that they could go somewhere during the day and not have to hang around the chicken run all day. It turned out that chickens have a natural knack for piloting 1 or 2-wheeled vehicle, as they quickly became very proficient at driving them. We'd often see the chickens coming and going in their little cars and motorcycles. I wasn't sure if they were going to day jobs in Hayward or just finding different places to walk around and do chicken stuff or maybe they just really loved cruising around all day.

I had been playing Terraria and switched to Hollow Knight without exiting Terraria first, and somehow ended up with the two games side-by-side on the screen. I found that if I attacked the left side of the screen in Hollow Knight I could attack Terraria monsters that happened to be on the right side of the Terraria window.

In a part that seemed very adjacent to both the chickens and the Terraria/Hollow Knight crossover, Sara and I were playing Minecraft, or something very Minecraft-like. She had used some technique to cut a very large tunnel very quickly. Its opening was near the shore of a large body of water, near two smaller tunnels that we had already dug. The new one cut away more material than we really wanted to, so we were throwing sand into it to try and fill in some extra pockets. Each grain of sand represented a whole block and even so it was taking a while to do the filling.

(That we had transformed the world into another form that was easier to work with might have been part of the fast tunnel-boring technique. The assumption behind throwing sand in there was that when we transformed it back into Minecraft blocks, the grains of sand would be changed into blocks in an iterative process where to-be-blockified grains would be displaced by solid blocks as they were made, kind of like popping popcorn).

Sara needed a new debit card for some reason. We were filling out the form to get it online, and there was a 3047$ fee. We went to ask somebody about it, not having much hope that they could help, but then they led us through another section of the building where we passed some guy that I sort of knew, and said "hey" to as we passed, and a toaster with four recently-toasted pop tarts.

Then we were in a car driving into that same town with the bike path along the canal from earlier. It was dark and we had to stop at some stoplight and go under an underpass, but then drove back up a hill, and as we came over the top there was a stunning view of the town down below us and up a hill on the other side of the valley that we were now driving into. It was all black except for thousands of lights on different buildings, including a few steeples. The sky was mostly black, also, but faded to a neon blue at the horizon. Even though I was sitting in the back seat and only seeing this through the windshield, the parallax of the nearer buildings and the street lights along the road made for a strikingly visceral experience that for a moment felt more immediate than anything I experience while awake. The feeling faded as the view became limited to the center section of the dusty windshield and I started to wake up.

The town in the dream seemed to be St Louis, or a St Louis-like city, in that it seemed to consist of a lot of old buildings and had a big river (not the one the bike path followed; that was just a creek or canal) through the middle. The hills were much taller than any in St Louis.