date: 2002-10-23
description: Dream: LSD, XBox; Fight with computars
lj-entry-id: 208,28

Dream: LSD, XBox; Fight with computars - 2002-10-23 - Entry 222 - TOGoS's Journal

A couple nights ago I had this cool dream. My mom wanted to buy an XBox for someone, but the package she was getting was 500$ or something. I told her she should get the cheaper, 100$ one. The 500$ one included 2 boxes and some other stuff (so you could play a network game with your friends!).

After that I was going on an adventure. I think I was running away from somebody. I was with some other people and we were trying to go somewhere. At one point someone had me drink LSD juice. It was green and tasted funny. Then I started flying around the room, but I knew I wasn't really flying around the room.

Then I woke up and went to breakfast and math and GE and PLS and turned in stuff. That was yesterday. There's a new Adventure of Ralph.

I just got through fighting with my computers. First I thought I could make them work by putting Windows on the box that doesn't crash, but Linux crashed on the sucky one, too. So then I put the hard drives back and had to do a lot of swapping monitor and kybard cables to get everything to work again. I also started my solutions file, to help with these problems later on.

I also re-diddled doke some more. Hopefully it gets more elegant each time I diddle it...